1.From February 6, 2025 , the share market is expected to experience significant growth, and the Bank Nifty is also expected to rise. 2. During the transit of Venus in the sign of Libra, there will be a high possibility of heavy rainfall worldwide, particularly in western states and countries. Additionally, there may be changes in the government leadership at both the state and national levels, along with unfortunate events such as the passing of former chief ministers and celebrities.

Service Details

Navgrah Shanti

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Tips for home Navgrah Shanti

Everyone wants to be successful in their life. They want to live healthily and earn well. And this definitely depends on the external factors as well. All those problems you have been facing, the hurdles, and the delays you are getting in your office work. This situation seems unfair especially when you have worked really hard for them. Actually, there’s this point where you realize that the problem is not with you. And there is something you cannot control. This is where remedies for curing the harmful effects of planets can help you.

  • This Pooja will bring prosperity to your life.
  • It will keep away malefic energies away as predicted by your horoscope.
  • When you experience constant disturbance in your life, this Pooja can actually make you calm.
  • After the completion of Pooja, good results will accumulate. You will get free from any sort of health disease.
  • Totam rem aperiam eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore
  • Veritatis eset quasi architecto.
  • Sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt
  • This Pooja is the best remedy for all doshas related to all planets in your horoscope.
  • Nav Grah Pooja is extremely helpful for personal life and happiness.
  • Voliuptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium
  • Puja of Lord Navgrah
  • Ashtottara Namavali Path, Navgrah (Nine Planets) Chalisa path

Residential Vastu

  • Bath Room ( 210 )
  • Bed Room ( 62 )
  • Study Room ( 521 )
  • Puja Room ( 415 )
  • Toilet ( 52 )
  • Guest Room ( 75 )
  • Dining Room ( 20 )

Commercial Vastu

  • Offices ( 210 )
  • Shop/Showroom ( 62 )
  • Industry ( 521 )
  • Hotels ( 415 )
  • Institutions ( 52 )
  • Movie Halls ( 75 )
  • Factories ( 20 )