1.From January 13, 2025 , the share market is expected to experience significant growth, and the Bank Nifty is also expected to rise. 2. During the transit of Venus in the sign of Libra, there will be a high possibility of heavy rainfall worldwide, particularly in western states and countries. Additionally, there may be changes in the government leadership at both the state and national levels, along with unfortunate events such as the passing of former chief ministers and celebrities.

Zodiac Details

Gemini Horoscope


It's advised to wait and observe the situation until October. There's a chance of pregnancy for married females during this time.


You have well-planned future investments. At work, hard work is in progress, and it will lead to financial growth.


Be cautious and alert from October to December. There might be a need for hospital admission. Your younger self has a well-maintained body.


This is a very active and daring period for your business. You stick to authentic principles and are not easily swayed by fear. There are great opportunities near your base location.